Machine Drawing

Machine Drawing

₹ 374 ₹399
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There are many areas of Mechanical Engineering more diverse and powerful and one of the area is Mechanical Drawing with a broader and richer history. From history, root has been traced from design sketches, complicated to understand, of Leonardo–di–Vinci to the cave of ancient humans in form of paintings, as simple as child's sketch, on cave's wall. From fundamental questions of Mechanical Engineering drawing to the drawing the assembly and disassembly, the Mechanical Engineering drawing remains at the forefront of today's teaching. At the same time, new innovative applications such as use of latest software appear everywhere around us.To present to a student such a wonderful, multifaceted, mental jewel in a way that maintains the excitement while not compromising elegance and rigor, is a challenge no teacher can resist. It is not too difficult at the undergraduate level where, in a series of courses, the student sees that the simple solutions for development of surfaces, intersection of solids and the entire standard used in preparing the assembly and disassembly of the mechanical component.This book has evolved from over 25 years of teaching advanced seniors and graduate students a core course on the application of the full–range field theory of Mechanical drawing. It is presented to help teachers meet the challenges of leading students in their exciting discovery of the unifying field theories of assembly of the mechanical components. The intention is to concentrate on fundamental concepts, basic applications, simple problems, steps to solve the problems and unanswered questions.This book, therefore, becomes quite different from other texts covering essentially the same subject matter at this level. First, by including more number of solved problems in different category of development of surfaces and intersection of solid as well as the basic concepts preparation before starting the assembly drawing of the mechanical components.I have found that students are facing the difficulty in solving the problems of assembly due to lack of understanding of the assemble parts in the systematic way fittings to understand the basic concepts of fitting.Secondly, while the theory presented in the first three chapters covers familiar ground, the emphasis in its development and intersection of solids.Chapter 4 where complete development of surface problems have been covered along with step wise description of the solution for easy understanding. The unsolved problems for practice are included in all the chapters to check the concept learning by the student.Chapter 5 covers the intersection of solids in which all the possible intersection of solids are included to understand the different categories of the solids. Stepwise explanation helps the student to understand the concept easily. There are chapters from 6 to 16 in a standard form to understand the different standards and prepare the student for the next level which is core of the subject is assembly drawing. The intermediate chapters selected to meet one or more of the following criteria:a. to best demonstrate fundamental solution techniques,b. to give insight to the each basic field requirements,c. to present questions, perhaps unanswered, concerning the theory and suggest unsolved problems that might excite student interest,d. to display particular utility for design,e. to serve as a benchmark in establishing the range where simpler mechanical engineering drawing type analysis is adequate, orf. Useful in validating the more complicated practical modelsIf you want to buy this book online, kindly click on the following

Tags: Drawing; Machine;

New Age International

New Age International

New Age International Publishers, founded in 1966, is an eminent publisher of College and professional level textbooks for Science and Technology, Medical Sciences, and Commerce & Management. Bestsellers of this publication include Control Systems Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and M Gopal, Nutrition Science by B Srilakshmi, Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by C.L. Wadhwa, and Modern Project Management by R.C. Mishra and Tarun Soota.
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