High Voltage Engineering

High Voltage Engineering

₹ 374 ₹399
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The book provides a clear, systematic and exhaustive exposition of various dimensions of High Voltage Engineering. Generation of a.c., d.c. and impulse voltage for testing of electrical equipments as per standard specifications have been explained. High voltage testing of some of the electrical equipments e.g. insulators, cables, transformers as per standard specifications has been explained. Various methods of non-destructive testing which yield information regarding life expectancy and long term stability or otherwise of the insulating materials have been discussed. The book takes a view of various types of transients in power system and suggests classical and more modern statistical methods of co-ordinating the insulation requirements of the system.Key Features:Electric stress estimation and control using various techniques.Mechanism of breakdown of gases, liquids and solid insulating materials.Application of insulating materials for different electrical equipments.Generation of high a.c., d.c. and impulse voltages and currents for testing of electrical equipments.Various techniques and circuits for measurements of high voltages.Testing procedures for testing of insulators, cables, transformers, circuit breakers etc.High voltage schering bridge and partial discharge measurement techniques for assessing life expectancy of equipments.Insulation coordination and over voltage protection.A few photo plates to give a physical feel of various equipments in a high voltage laboratory.Large number of solved examples, practice problems and multiple choice questions.If you want to buy this book online, kindly click on the following link:Amazon.inThis edition is for sale in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka only. If you want to buy this book for any country other than these, kindly click on the following links:1. Amazon.co.uk, 2. The Book Depository, 3. Amazon.com, 4. Bn.com

Tags: Electrical; Engineering;

New Age International

New Age International

New Age International Publishers, founded in 1966, is an eminent publisher of College and professional level textbooks for Science and Technology, Medical Sciences, and Commerce & Management. Bestsellers of this publication include Control Systems Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and M Gopal, Nutrition Science by B Srilakshmi, Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by C.L. Wadhwa, and Modern Project Management by R.C. Mishra and Tarun Soota.
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