About Product
X-ray Crystallography is used as a major tool in Structural Molecular Biology to understand biological processes at the molecular level. This edited volume consisting of three parts presents some of the aspects of Crystallography as well as its applications to Biology. Part I provides an overview of Crystallography. Part II deals with some of the special techniques in Macromolecular Crystallography, such as crystallization of proteins and nucleic acids, synchrotron radiation and its properties, multiple isomorphous replacement method, direct methods etc. This part also contains an account of the quaternary structure of proteins, problem of thermal vibration and disorder etc. Part III is mainly concerned with structure/function studies of bacillus signal peptides, phospholipase A2, sulphate reducing bacteria proteins, FAB - R68K Lysozyme complex, phosphocarpin B1 and a few other biomolecules. Molecular modelling studies of human cathepsin D and rice rubisco are also dealt with in this part. The application of NMR imaging in biology is also briefly covered. This part culminates with an account of nucleotide conformations and the general principles of protein-nucleic acid interactions. The articles in this volume would be useful to those engaged in teaching and research in Crystallography, Structural Biology and related fields.