River Morphology

River Morphology

₹ 735 ₹795
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RIVER MORPHOLOGY synthesizes the contributions made by geologists, geomorphologists, geographers, hydraulic engineers and hydrologists and presents a coherent text which takes a balanced view about formation on alluvial rivers and their hydraulics, and analysis of their response to natural and man-made disturbances. The text covers discussion about history of fluvial hydraulics and geomorphology, drainage basin characteristics, soil erosion, fluvial morphology, principles of sediment transport and hydraulics of alluvial and gravel-bed rivers, river bed and channel changes, palaeo-hydraulics, analytical and numerical modeling of alluvial stream transients, morphology of some Indian rivers, rivers and environment, and data needs for morphological studies. Inclusion of two chapters on modeling offers valuable tools for quantitative analysis of a number of problems in alluvial stream transients. Thus this book should be useful to undergraduate and graduate students in geology and engineering, to those interested in rivers and involved in planning and management of rivers.If you want to buy this book online, kindly click on the following link:Amazon.in

Tags: Civil; Engineering;

New Age International

New Age International

New Age International Publishers, founded in 1966, is an eminent publisher of College and professional level textbooks for Science and Technology, Medical Sciences, and Commerce & Management. Bestsellers of this publication include Control Systems Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and M Gopal, Nutrition Science by B Srilakshmi, Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by C.L. Wadhwa, and Modern Project Management by R.C. Mishra and Tarun Soota.
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