Centralized/Decentralised Facts Controllers in Electric Grids

Centralized/Decentralised Facts Controllers in Electric Grids

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This book presents outlook of Global Energy and problems to be investigated by using coordinated and integrated HVDC/FACTS Controllers implementation likewise Facts–Frame in the GCC, MENA, Asian, UK–European and North American countries. The Facts–Frame comprises of five layers of FACTS control devices (STATCOM, SSSC, UPFC, HVDC and Centralized/Decentralized Control) architecture. This five–layer architecture is designed in order to configure and produce the desired results; Based on these outcomes, GCC, MENA, Asian, UK–European and North American Countries power system network control and operational problems can be identified and addressed within the existing control architecture on the electrical power grid to maintain seamless and robust operations with degree of precision. In the context of power Facts–Frame, this work is to identify and determine a number of power systems operational and control problems which are persistent continuously on the GCC, MENA, Asian, UK–European and North American countries electrical power grid to improve and address poor voltage quality (SAG–Swell), poor load flow control and limited power transfer capacity issues. The Facts–Frame is configured and synthesized by integrating multiple FACTS control devices (STATCOM, SSSC, UPFC) in parallel at different locations on the GCC, MENA, Asian, UK–European and North American Countries power grid in order to meet stringent power system control and operational requirements with improved power transfer capacity, controllability and reliability. The mathematical models are derived to identify and determine operational constraints on the GCC power grid by incorporating real–time and estimated data and the acquired desired results. Herein, Facts–Frame is designed to handle distributed computation for intensive power system calculation by integrating multiple FACTS devices on multiple networks within the GCC, MENA, Asian, UK–European and North American countries power network. Distributed power flow algorithms are also derived in order to understand and implement centralized and decentralized control topologies as appropriate. The simulation results indicate the feasibility of FACTS devices implementation and their potential benefits under current operating conditions on the GCC, MENA, Asian, UK-European and North American countries power grid.

Tags: Electrical;

New Age International

New Age International

New Age International Publishers, founded in 1966, is an eminent publisher of College and professional level textbooks for Science and Technology, Medical Sciences, and Commerce & Management. Bestsellers of this publication include Control Systems Engineering by I.J. Nagrath and M Gopal, Nutrition Science by B Srilakshmi, Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy by C.L. Wadhwa, and Modern Project Management by R.C. Mishra and Tarun Soota.
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