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This book is the most authentic and comprehensive book on Company laws in India. It covers Companies Act, 2013, Rules and Forms prescribed thereunder along with all statutory happenings. The present publication is the 13th edition which incorporates all the amendments made up to the Companies Act (Amendment) Act, 2019. The book comes in two volumes and it is divided into 2 divisions as under: Companies Act, 2013 with Rules Company Rules & Forms The book also covers: Alphabetical List of Rules Amendments made by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019 at a glance 'Guide to Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019' to quickly understand the amendments Enforcement of provisions of Companies Act, 2103 form different dates Tables showing exemptions available to Private Company, Govt. Company, Nidhis & Section 8 Companies. List of Circulars & Notification Incorporating Annotated Text of Companies Act 2013 [ As amended by Companies (Amendment) Act 2019] & Rules framed thereunder Rules Framed under Companies Act 2013 Forms prescribed under Companies Act 2013 Circulars & Notifications issued under Companies Act 2013 Annotation under each section shows Relevant rules framed under the relevant section Reference to relevant forms prescribed Exemption available to private companies/Government companies/Nidhis/Charitable Companies/Unlisted Public Company/Private Company operating from IFSCs Located in SEZ Gist of relevant circulars and notifications Date of enforcement of provision Corresponding provision under the 1956 Act Words & Phrases judicially noticed Allied Laws referred to in the provision Relevant provisions of SEBI Rules/Listing obligations/Table F of Schedule I Guide to Companies (Amdt.) Act 2019
Tags: Income Tax; Taxation;