Section 56(2)(x) – A Treatise

Section 56(2)(x) – A Treatise

₹ 561 ₹650
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  • ISBN: 9789390128662
  • Edition/Reprint: 2020 Edition
  • Author(s): The Chamber Of Tax Consultants
  • Product ID: 565450
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

This book provides a complete guide on the provisions of Section 56(2)(x). Deemed income arises under this provision when any person receives gifts or acquires an immovable property or specified moveable assets without consideration or for inadequate consideration. Section 56(2)(x) engages significant time and attention of all taxpayers and tax practitioners while planning and structuring any commercial transaction. This book is a compilation of chapters written by three different authors, each one of whom has a different mind-set and a different professional background and experience. This book is updated up to the Finance Act, 2020 & the key features of this book are as follows: Practical understanding of each and every aspect of Section 56(2)(x) Highlights various issues and discrepancies arising out of Section 56(2)(x) Detailed and holistic exposition of each and every issue like ‘receipt’, ‘consideration’, etc. Detailed and thorough analysis of Rule 11U and Rule 11UA The contents of the book are as follows: Legislative history of Section 56(2)(x) Basic scope of Section 56(2)(x) Interpretation of words ‘Receive’ & ‘Consideration’ Place of Receipt Scope of the term ‘Property’ Taxation in case of restructuring Exemptions from the applicability of Section 56(2)(x) Applicability of Section 56(2)(x) to Private Trusts Other connected provisions [Section 2(24), 49, 50C, 50CA, 56(2)(viib), 68 & GAAR] Implications of Rules 11U and 11UA Appendices o Relevant Sections of the Income-tax Act, 1961 o Relevant Rules of the Income-tax Rules, 1962

Tags: Income Tax; Taxation;

Taxmann Publications

Taxmann Publications

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