Objective Chem NEET: Class XII

Objective Chem NEET: Class XII

₹ 364 ₹499
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  • ISBN: 9789392357077
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): Seema Saini
  • Product ID: 565701
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Objective Chem NEET: Class XII is designed to serve the requirements of medical aspirants preparing for NEET/AIIMS in the best possible manner. Through the course of this book, the aspirants have been provided with a pedagogically set question bank to help them prepare for these examinations better. Instead of chasing their mentors for concept-based questions on a regular basis, the aspirants can now practice whenever they wish to and absolutely on their own. The book comprises a massive bank of exercises, which is set to practice subject concepts on a day-to-day basis. In order to synchronize aspirants’ preparation with their classroom lectures, the content line up has been kept parallel with that given in the NCERT Class XII book. All the chapters have been segregated into four sections: (a) topicwise single correct answer questions, (b) statement-based questions, (c) previous years’ NEET/AIIMS questions updated up to 2021, (d) a chapter-end test for self-assessment purpose. Explanations/solutions have been provided for selective questions, which help aspirants brush up their concepts without much effort. At the end of book, 3 mock tests have been supplemented for final revision and preparation assessment.

Tags: NCERT; NEET; Class - 12; Chemistry; Text Book;

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Cengage Learning

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