The Life and Times of Chandrashekhar Azad

The Life and Times of Chandrashekhar Azad

₹ 194 ₹200
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  • ISBN: 9788184305470
  • Author(s): Bharat Bhushan
  • Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan (General)
  • Product ID: 571032
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out
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About Product

Chandrashekhar Azad’s short and chequered life of a revolutionary is remembered in the annals of the history of India’s freedom struggle not merely for his indomitability in the face of odds, but for the human values he cherished. In today’s world, with the edifice of every conceivable value crumbling all around us, Azad’s life offers a paradigm for the redemption of a generation resigned to shallow ideals. Adversity came a dime a dozen to this village youth born to poor parents rich in morality and humaneness. It’s the roots that determine the actions of a person and actions, his destiny. At a time when we seem to be taking our freedom for granted, Azad’s biography is a reminder of the blood and toil that went into securing it. The road to preservation of freedom must be hemmed with respect for what we have, for being fortunate to be able to breathe in free air. The crucial caveat embedded in Azad’s biography is that we face a far greater threat from the enemies within than from enemies without.

Tags: History; Biography; Revolutionary Literature;

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