Kalam Quiz Book

Kalam Quiz Book

₹ 374 ₹400
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  • ISBN: 9789351867869
  • Author(s): Dr. Manish Ranjan, Ias
  • Publisher: Prabhat Prakashan (General)
  • Product ID: 573088
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out
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About Product

Bharat Ratna Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, former President of India, was someone who could connect with a diverse India by the sheer magic of his persona. Throughout his life, he remained as the boy from a little village in Rameshwaram who had risen from a life of poverty through hard work, merit and knowledge. The combination of the spiritual and the scientific, of tradition and modernity, laced with eternal simplicity, was just irresistible in him. Having received numerous Awards and honorary doctorates from over 30 universities, he was honoured with the ‘Padma Bhushan’, ‘Padma Vibhushan’ and the ‘Bharat Ratna’, the highest civilian Award of India. During his prominent careers as a scientist and President, Dr. Kalam authored several books of non-fiction and biographical works. Though he was known by many tags – ‘people President’, ‘missile man’, ‘The man behind vision 2020’; he will not only be remembered for the immeasurably remarkable achievements and marks he left behind, but also as a great human, for his determined character, humbleness, love, patriotism and for the reason that he could ignite our minds. This book reiterates the inspirational facts and Golden moments of Dr. Kalam’s life in an interesting form for the readers.

Tags: APJ Abdul Kalam; Quiz;

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