Guyton & Hall Textbook Of Medical Physiology, 3E-South Asia Edition

Guyton & Hall Textbook Of Medical Physiology, 3E-South Asia Edition

₹ 1646 ₹2035
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  • ISBN: 9788131257739
  • Edition/Reprint: 3rd Edition
  • Author(s): Guyton And Hall
  • Publisher: ELSEVIER
  • Product ID: 576904
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Chapters have been rearranged and often split to work towards one chapter-one lecture model so that the text is linked to curriculum objectives which appeals to both students and faculty.. Narrative length has been reduced while ensuring the original flow and explanation of concepts is not affected.. Updated Learning Objectives (e.g. Applied physiology of the Renal System) and Glossary of Terms in the beginning of every chapter. Short, easy-to-read, masterfully edited chapters and a user-friendly full-color design facilitates better learning and retention. Features expanded clinical coverage including obesity, metabolic and cardiovascular disorders, Alzheimer's disease, and other degenerative diseases. Complex Concepts/Processes are summarized in flowcharts/flow diagram for better understanding. Contains more than 1000 carefully crafted diagrams and drawings ensures better understanding of Physiology. Offers Clinically Oriented perspective - bridging basic physiology with pathophysiology, including cellular and molecular mechanism important for Clinical medicine. Updated throughout based on the Guyton and Hall Textbook of Physiology 14th edition to reflect the latest knowledge in the field. The information of the book has been updated to include all areas of the new MCI curriculum (these are either embedded within the existing chapters or as several new chapters at the end of the book).

Tags: Basic Sciences; Medical; Physiology;



Elsevier, established in 1880, is an Amsterdam based publishing house, which has published over 2,960 journals and 48,300 books. Some of the popular titles by this Dutch firm include ‘Advanced Therapeutics’, ‘Clinical and Interpersonal Skills’, ‘Advances in Agronomy’, ‘Advances in Applied Mechanics’, ‘Advances in Computers’, ‘Advances in Experimental Social Psychology’, ‘Advances in Genetics’, ‘Advances in Immunology’, ‘Advances in Parasitology’, ‘Advances in Pollution Research’, and ‘Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology’.
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