Electrician Practical (I & II Year) - English

Electrician Practical (I & II Year) - English

₹ 202 ₹310
Shipping: ₹ 120
  • ISBN: 9788194875666
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Priti Agrawal
  • Product ID: 576911
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Practical No. Practicals 1. Visit various sections of the institutes and location of electrical installations. (03hrs.) 2. Identify safety symbols and hazards. (02Hrs.) 3. Preventive measures for electrical accidents and practice steps to be taken in such accidents. (03hrs.) 4. Practice safe methods of fire fighting in case of electrical fire. (02hrs.) 5. Use of fire extinguishers. (05 Hrs.) 6. Practice elementary first aid. (03hrs.) 7. Rescue a person and practice artificial respiration. (02Hrs.) 8. Disposal procedure of waste materials. (02Hrs.) 9. Use of personal protective equipment. (03hrs.) 10. Practice on cleanliness and procedure to maintain it. (05 hrs.) 11. Identify trade tools and machineries. (05Hrs.) 12. Practice safe methods of lifting and handling of tools & equipment. (05 Hrs.) 13. Select proper tools for operation and precautions in operation. (05 Hrs.) 14. Care & maintenance of trade tools. (05 Hrs.) 15. Operations of allied trade tools. (05 Hrs.) 16. Workshop practice on filing and hacksawing. (10Hrs.) 17. Prepare hand coil winding assembly. ( 5 Hrs.) 18. Practice on preparing T- joint, straight joint and dovetail joint on wooden blocks. (15Hrs.) 19. Practice sawing, planing, drilling and assembling for making a wooden switchboard. (15Hrs.) 20. Practice in marking and cutting of straight and curved pieces in metal sheets, making holes, securing by screw and riveting. (10 Hrs.) 21. Workshop practice on drilling, chipping, internal and external threading of different sizes. (20Hrs.) 22. Practice of making square holes in crank handle. (5 Hrs.) 23. Prepare an open box from metal sheet. (15 Hrs.) 24. Prepare terminations of cable ends (02 hrs.) 25. Practice on skinning, twisting and crimping. (15 Hrs.) 26. Identify various types of cables and measure conductor size using SWG and micrometer. (8 Hrs.) 27. Make simple twist, married, Tee and western union joints. (18 Hrs.) 28. Make britannia straight, britannia Tee and rat tail joints. (18 Hrs.) 29. Prac

Tags: ITI; Electrical Engineering; NCVT; Engineering;

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