Essential Pathology for Physiotherapy Students

Essential Pathology for Physiotherapy Students

₹ 1036 ₹1250
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Designed and compiled exactly as per syllabus and format of learning Pathology in BPT course as prescribed by different universities. Lecture-based format of the content (56 lectures in all); includes 26 Lectures of General Pathology (Chapter 1-9) and 30 Lectures of Systemic Pathology (Chapters 10-19). List of important questions given at the end of each lecture as Long, Medium and Short Answer Questions, as per pattern of theory examination laid down by all universities. Current concepts on various aspects of common diseases given in reproducible approach. Fully supported by labelled illustrations, schematic drawings and numerous tables. Gist boxes given at the end of every topic as summary of salient points for quick revision. Normal reference values of common investigations of blood and body fluids appended at the end of the book in an appendices. Also useful for other physiotherapy courses (BSc, DPT) and allied health sciences.

Tags: Physiotherapy; Education; Pathology; Physical;

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