Pearson Longman ICSE Geography Class 8

Pearson Longman ICSE Geography Class 8

₹ 373 ₹455
Shipping: Free
  • ISBN: 9789353065669
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Anuradha Mukherjee
  • Publisher: PEARSON LONGMAN
  • Product ID: 577496
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Longman Geography for ICSE Classes 6-8 is a comprehensive study of the Earth and its physical as well as regional aspects. The series explores different lands, cultures, people and encourages students to appreciate the bond that exists between the humans and their environment. The content has been presented in an easy-to-understand and comprehensive manner in order to move beyond mere narration of facts and figures. The aim is to make the study of this subject interesting and interactive. Active Widgets include continents, Calendar and our India dynamic Question Zone helps generate complete question papers for various assessments assets include Chapter objective, lesson plan, worksheets, animations, videos, video worksheets, interactive activities, zoom images, practical application, hear concept, games and answer Key.

Tags: Class - 8; Geography; ICSE; Text Book; Pearson Longman;

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