Principles of Power System (LPSPE)

Principles of Power System (LPSPE)

₹ 319 ₹425
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About Product

Principles of Power System is a comprehensive textbook for students of engineering. It also caters to the requirements of those readers who wish to increase their knowledge and gain a sound grounding in power systems as a whole. Twenty six chapters succinctly sum up the subject with topics such as Supply and Distribution Systems, Fault Calculations (Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical), Voltage Control, Fuses and Circuit Breakers giving the learner an understanding of the subject and an orientation to apply the knowledge gained in real world problem solving. A book which has seen, foreseen and incorporated changes in the subject for more than 30 years, it continues to be one of the most sought after texts by the students.

Tags: Engineering; Power;

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