Calculus and Analytic Geometry (Ninth Edition)

Calculus and Analytic Geometry (Ninth Edition)

₹ 679 ₹929
Shipping: ₹ 270
  • ISBN: 9788177583250
  • Edition/Reprint: 9th 2022
  • Author(s): George B. Thomas Jr. Ross L. Finney
  • Product ID: 577760
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

As observed in the earlier editions of Calculus And Analytic Geometry, there are practical exercises and questions at the end of each section. Further, it features additional exercises in theory, examples, and applications. The exercises have been reorganised in this updated ninth edition. New Computer Algebra System (CAS) explorations and projects that require CAS have been included. In addition, technology connection notes appear throughout the text that suggest experiments for the students to conduct with the use of a grapher. This will help readers supplement their understanding of the given topic. The content of Calculus And Analytic Geometry includes limits and continuity, applications of derivatives, integration and applications of integrals, infinite series, multiple integrals, transcendental functions, vectors and analytic geometry in space, conic sections, parametrized curves and polar coordinates, vector-valued functions and motion in space, multivariable functions and partial derivatives, and integration in vector fields. Combining recent technological innovations in teaching and learning, Calculus And Analytic Geometry will give students the conceptual clarity required to succeed in maths, science, and engineering courses.

Tags: Calculus; Geometry;

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