Effective Public Relations And Media Strategy

Effective Public Relations And Media Strategy

₹ 462 ₹525
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  • ISBN: 9789388028899
  • Edition/Reprint: 3rd EDITION
  • Author(s): C V Narasimha Reddi
  • Publisher: PHI LEARNING
  • Product ID: 577770
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

The author with over five decades of professional and academic experience has considerably revised and updated every br>Chapter of the book to present, contemporary diverse public relations and media practices. As a result, the new edition contains the best of previous editions and at the same time replaces all the dated material with new figures and Advanced information. Subjects like mass Communication, public relations, journalism, advertising, media Studies, event management, PR 2.0 new model and eight case studies including Mahatma Gandhi world's greatest communicator — all in One make this edition truly unique and the only textbook of this type in India.
the other key topics that have been given attention in the book include PR as a strategic management function; communication models: history of Indian PR; standards and ethics in PR; corporate communications; PR in government, public sector and NGOs; global PR; Internet and social media; multimedia PR campaign and PR into the future.
learning tools students learning tools such as br>Chapter opening preview, relevant case problems in the text, end of the br>Chapter summary for quick understanding, review questions for practice, The glossary and traits needed for success in PR career are added value to this edition.
the text is a must read for every student, faculty and practitioners of mass Communication, media relations, journalism, PR & advertising and all management disciplines.

Tags: Communications; Management; Media;

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