Computer Science With Python Textbook And Practical Book For Class 12 (Examination 2020-2021)

Computer Science With Python Textbook And Practical Book For Class 12 (Examination 2020-2021)

₹ 593 ₹625
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  • ISBN: 9788177002362
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): Sumita Arora
  • Publisher: DHANPAT RAI & CO (P) LTD
  • Product ID: 577814
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Modern age technologies are so fast changing that we have to adapt to them in all spheres of life at the same pace. Education (especially Computer Science subjects) is one such field where we see major change in the syllabi every now and then. The subject ‘Computer Science’ (code 083) saw a major curriculum change in the recent past to accommodate the changing need as per the changing technologies. The book in your hands is an updated and revised edition of the subject ‘Computer Science’ (code 083) class 12, which is updated as per the latest syllabus released and also contains objective type questions added to each chapter along with many other important updations /changes in the content of the book. Like earlier edition, the book adheres to the CBSE curriculum for Computer Science (083) for class XII. Based on the syllabus, the book has been divided into three units. Content :- Unit 1: Computational Thinking and Programming-2 Unit 2: Computer Networks Unit 3: Database Management

Tags: Class - 12; CBSE; Sumita Arora; Text Book; Computer Science; Science;

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