Understanding Concepts of Structural Analysis and Design

Understanding Concepts of Structural Analysis and Design

₹ 194 ₹200
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  • ISBN: 9789380358598
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Janak P. Parikh
  • Product ID: 577824
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

UNDERSTANDING CONCEPT OF Structural ANALYSIS AND DESIGN By Janak P. Parikh Edition : 2nd Edition ISBN : 978-93-80358-59-8 Size : 170 mm × 240 mm Binding : Paperback with Four color Jacket Cover Pages : 285 + 16 Price : 200.00 About the book The purpose of this book, as the title says, is to explain the concept of the subject matter. The subject is presented in its totality in brief and thereby the reader is given a fair picture of how the subject unfolds and then settles. The book is by no means a substitute to a textbook, but rather a help to understand one. The book is a natural outcome of an author’s experience as a teacher and a structural engineer, and is written in that spirit. The design codes are followed in general, but the emphasis is not on the codes but rather on understanding the principles of design. In Part I - ‘Analysis’, attempt is made to explain the behaviour of structures with common examples. Emphasis is made to understand that a structure needs to be approximated to be solved. Further, after understanding how the structure deforms under loads, structures are analyzed by approximate methods. This is also done keeping in mind that solution by approximate method is a great help to verify the solution, especially obtained by computer software. In Part II - ‘Design’, importance of form, stiffness, safety etc. is emphasized. Before going into the theory of RCC design, the student is made aware of where the placement of reinforcement is required in the structural member. Comparison of different types of sections in steel and RCC are made to make the student aware of the behaviour of structure and economy of design. In Part III - ‘Conceptual Analysis and Design of Four Structures’, are analyzed, designed and detailed on the principles explained in the book.

Tags: Analysis; Engineering;

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