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THERMAL ENGINEERING VOL. I [ THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT ENGINES ] By Dr. S. S. Khandare Edition : 1st Edition : 2008 ISBN : 978-81-85594-68-2 Size : 170 mm x 240 mm Binding : Paperback with Four Color Jacket Cover Pages : 928 + 16 Price : 325.00 About the book This text-book along with its companion volume II is designed to cover the entire syllabi of the subject of Thermal Engineering, which is inherent in the study of engineering students. The entire matter of the book is most comprehensive and presented in lucid language, with number of solved examples, neatly drawn sketches, so that the reader can understand the fundamentals of the subject easily. Number of exercises are given at end of appropriate sections as well as at the end of chapters. Exercises, subjective questions, objective type multiple choice questions are also included at the end of chapters. The book has Sixteen chapters. The key feature of the book are: Chapter 1 and 2 deals with Applied Thermodynamics Chapter 3 deals with Steam and Steam Cycles Chapter 4 to 6 contains Boilers Chapter 7 and 8 deals with Fuel and Draught Chapter 9 consist of the study of Steam Engine and Testing Chapter 10 and 11 deals with Steam Nozzle and Turbine Chapter 12 discussing topic on Condenser Chapter 13 and 14 contains topics on I. C. Engines Theory and Testing Chapter 15 Gas Turbine Chapter 16 Air Pollution and Control.
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