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PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY VOL. I [ Manufacturing processes and materials ] By K. G. Aswani Edition : 1st Edition : 2007 ISBN : 81-85594-78-3, 978-81-85594-78-1 Size : 170 mm x 240 mm Binding : Paperback with Four Color Jacket Cover Pages : 336 + 16 Price : 160.00 About the book The book on “Production Technology” is prepared in two Volumes. The Vol. I contains “Manufacturing Processes and Materials”, where as Vol. II is separately published which contains “Machine Tools and Metal Removal Processes” The entire subject matter is presented in simple and lucid language. Number of figures, graphs, tables and solved examples are contributed along with the text matter to understand the subject matter easily. The book contains 12 Chapters and Appendix: * 187 Neatly drawn self-explanatory diagrams * 77 Useful Tables giving technical data * 28 Solved Examples * 159 Questions and Exercises are given at the end of chapters. It is the fervent hope of the author that this book will satisfy the needs of the Mechanical, Production, Automobile Engineering students preparing for the B.Tech/B.E. examinations of almost all the Indian Universities, Diploma examinations conducted by various Boards of Technical Education, Certificate courses as well as for the A.M.I.E., U.P.S.C., G.A.T.E. and other similar competitive and professional Examinations. It should also be of an immense help to the practising Mechanical Engineers.
Tags: Technology; Engineering;