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Books 1-3: The thoroughly Revised & Updated 17th edition of the books “44 Years PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY & MATHEMATICS IIT-JEE Advanced + JEE Main Chapterwise & Topicwise Solved Papers” are an integrated book, which contains Chapterwise & Topicwise collection of past JEE Advanced (including 1978 - 2012 IIT-JEE & 2013 - 21 JEE Advanced) questions from past JEE Main 1978 to 2020 (Offline Papers) and 2013 – 21 (all Online Papers). The Books are divided into 29/ 31/ 28 chapters as per NCERT PCM Books. With this new feature these books have become the 1st to adopt NCERT Chapterisation. Each chapter divides the questions into 2-4 topics which are further divided into 10 categories of questions - Fill in the Blanks, True/ False, MCQ 1 correct, MCQ more than 1 correct, Passage Based, Assertion-Reason, Multiple Matching, Integer Answer, Numeric Answer and Subjective Questions. All the Screening and Mains papers of IIT-JEE have been incorporated in the book. Detailed solution of each and every question has been provided for 100% conceptual clarity of the student. Well elaborated detailed solutions with user friendly language provided at the end of each chapter. Solutions have been given with enough diagrams, proper reasoning to bring conceptual clarity. The students are advised to attempt questions of a topic immediately after they complete a topic in their class/ school/ home. The books contain around 13200+ Milestone Problems in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics combined. Book 4-6: This unique book provides Chapter-wise BLOCKBUSTER PROBLEMS covering all the important concepts which a student should revise before appearing for JEE Advanced Exam. Questions in the books are carefully designed so as to be exactly similar to the ones that come in JEE Advanced Exam. The author strongly believes that a student, who masters all the questions provided in this book, will improve his score in JEE Advanced by 10-15%. They also expect some questions (exact/ similar) from this book to appear in the upcoming JEE Advanced Exam. Salient features of this book: 1. The book has been divided into a total of 24 Chapters. 2. Each Chapter contains more than One option correct, Integer type, Matching Type, Passage-based, and Numeric Value Type questions. 3. The book is 100% Solved and contains solutions to each and every question. The sole aim of this book is to revise all important concepts in a short span of time just by solving questions. Problems have been designed keeping in mind the examiner's point of view and current examination patterns.