Economics (Part A : Micro Economics-I, Part B : Indian Economy-I)

Economics (Part A : Micro Economics-I, Part B : Indian Economy-I)

₹ 351 ₹450
Shipping: ₹ 120
  • ISBN: 9789388117722
  • Edition/Reprint: 2019
  • Author(s): V C Sinha , Anupam Agarwal
  • Publisher: SBPD DEGREE
  • Product ID: 578709
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

An excellent book with thorough coverage for MA and BA classes, also very helpful for the students preparing for various competitive and professional examinations. Micro Economics-I Unit-1:Definitions of Economics : Wealth, Welfare, Scarcity and Modern Definitions, Micro and Macro Economics, Positive and Normative Economics, Static and Dynamic Economics, Deductive and Inductive Methods, Cardinal Utility Analysis : Total and Marginal Utility, Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, Law of Equi-Marginal Utility, Consumer’s Equilibrium. Unit-2:Ordinal Utility Analysis : Indifference Curves, Consumer’s Equilibrium, Price Effect, Substitution Effect (Hicks and Slutsky), Income Effect, Consumer’s Surplus : Revealed Preference Theory, Hick’s Revision of Demand Theory, Law of Demand, Factors Influencing Demand, Elasticity of Demand, Price, Income and Cross Elasticities and their Measurement, Elasticity of Supply. Unit-3:Production Function : Short Run and Long Run, Cobb-Douglas and CES Production Function, Law of Variable Proportions, Returns to Scale : Economies of Scale, Isoquant Analysis, Iso-Cost Line, Producer’s Equilibrium. Unit 4:Concept of Cost : Accounting and Economic Cost, Private Cost and Social Cost, Opportunity Cost, Fixed and Variable Cost, Average, Marginal and Total Cost, Short Run and Long Run Cost Curves, Concept of Revenue : Average, Marginal and Total Revenue, Revenue Curves under Different Market Conditions. Indian Economy-I Unit 1:Basic Features of Indian Economy, Natural Resources : Land, Water and Forest Resources, Broad Demographic Features : Population Size, Structure (Sex and Age), Characteristics, Change in Population, Rural-Urban Migration, Occupational Distribution, Problem of Over-Population, Population Policy. Unit 2:Indian Agriculture : Nature, Role and Importance, Trend in Agriculture Production and Productivity, Agriculture Holdings and Land Reforms, Agriculture Mechanization : Marketing of Agriculture Produce, Agricultural Price

Tags: BA; MA; Arthshastra; Economics;

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