New Learning Composite Mathematics-6 (for 2021 Exam) Paperback – 1 January 2020

New Learning Composite Mathematics-6 (for 2021 Exam) Paperback – 1 January 2020

₹ 193 ₹275
Shipping: ₹ 120
  • ISBN: 9789352834471
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): S.k. Gupta
  • Product ID: 579045
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

New Learning Composite Mathematics, a series for KG to Class 8, has been designed in the light of latest curriculum with some additional features as well as appropriate gradation. This revised series has been structured and designed to meet the challenges of mathematics learning as well as the needs of a broad range of students. The content is designed to reach all learners in the classroom irrespective of their skill levels or learning capabilities. Key Features : 1. Learning Outcomes at the beginning of each chapter clearly define the goals of study. 2. Warmup for quick and easy recapitulation 3. Remember and Note sections are given to recapitulate important points learnt. 4. Activities/Maths Lab Activities wherever appropriate within the text, are easy to do for practical verification 5. Quick Assessment questions are interspersed within the text for quick self testing. 6. Maths Alert! section warns against likely mistakes and misconceptions. 7. Mental Maths to develop child's thinking skills 8. Projects to explain difficult concepts 9. Challenge! questions within the text prompt the students to think out of the box. 10. Did You Know? provides interesting facts to enhance learning. 11. Assessment Zone (Model Test Paper) consists of a mix of objective and subjective type questions for the purpose of recall and revision.

Tags: Income Tax; Class - 6; Mathematics; CBSE;

S.Chand & Company (SB)

S.Chand & Company (SB)

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