Communicating for Results  Paperback – 2022

Communicating for Results Paperback – 2022

₹ 619 ₹750
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  • ISBN: 9780199496570
  • Edition/Reprint: 4th EDITION
  • Author(s): Carolyn Meyer
  • Publisher: OXFORD UNI PRESS (HE)
  • Product ID: 579150
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

The fourth edition of communicating for results provides practical, classroom-tested instruction for students to become effective business writers and speakers. Supplemented with abundant group and individual activities, this invaluable text will help management students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to hone their skills and communicate with confidence. This textbook opens with a Chapter on current issues and trends in management communication. It then addresses vital topics such as written and spoken business communication, positive, negative, and persuasive messaging, communication for employment, reports and proposals, and business presentations. The book concludes with chapters on interpersonal communication in organizations and digital and social media communication. Key features a skills-based approach with easy-to-use models, real-life case studies, examples, and a variety of exercises to enhance writing skills, improve interactivity, and overcome fear of public speaking annotated examples of effective written communication including reports, proposals, e-mail, and business letters a wide range of communication approaches based on current trends and practices in areas such as business documentation, digital and social media, persuasive presentations and individual, small group, and collaborative communication The emphasis on critical thinking and learning by doing rather than on rigid frameworks equips students with the practical skills they will need at work and in their careers an easy-to-read, attractive two-colour layout online resources The following resources are available to support teachers and students: for teachers instructors manual answer key power point slides Generator for students Study guide case study workbook self-grading practice quizzes web links and online directory of business resources Table of Contents 1. Issues and trends in professional communication 2. Getting the message across 3. Getting started: planning, writing, and revising business messages 4. Business style: vocabulary, sentences, paragraphs, concision, and tone 5. Written business communication, e-mail, and letters 6. Routine and positive messages 7. Negative messages: delivering unfavourable news 8. Persuasive messages 9. Communicating for employment 10. Reports and proposals 11. Business presentations 12. Interpersonal communication in organizations 13. Digital and social media communication.

Tags: Human Resources;

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