Mass Communication in India

Mass Communication in India

₹ 282 ₹350
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  • ISBN: 9789386348623
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Product ID: 579989
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Now in Hindi The traditional discipline of mass Communication now stands challenged by the rapid integration of telecommunications, computing, broadcasting and other media. An entirely new section on mass media, intellectual property rights and the public domain has been introduced in this revised and updated edition. The book is compact with each section and sub-section having a list of suggested readings and most of the books suggested are that of Indian authors. — Comprehensive and critical account of recent developments in the media industries — focuses on media analysis and critique, to reflect contemporary trends in communication theory and research — An entirely new section on ‘telecommunications and new information Technology’ has been introduced keval J. Kumar is the Founder-Director of the resource Centre for media education and research (recmer), Pune. He is a former Professor and director, Symbiosis Institute of mass Communication and a former reader and hod, Department of communication and Journalism, University of Pune, where he continues to guide ph.Br>d students. He has been visiting Professor at the Institute for media Studies, siegen University, siegen and Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany. He has also taught at Ohio state University, Columbus (USA) and Bahrain training Institute, manama. Currently, he is adjunct/visiting faculty at the international School of business and media (isb and m), mudra Institute of communication, Ahmedabad (mica) and Indira school of communication. Prof. Kumar has a doctorate in mass Communication from the University of Leicester (UK). he is the author of seven other books. He has published widely in academic journals and also in a number of edited books on the discipline of communication. He was chair of the media education research section, international association of media and Communication research (iamcr), from 1998 to 2006. He is an Associate member of orbicom, the association of UNESCO chairs in communication and the chief advisor to the ncert’s syllabus and textbook Committee on ‘media Studies’.

Tags: Communication And Media Studies; Telecommunication;

Jaico Publishing House

Jaico Publishing House

Jaico Publishing House, established in 1946, is the publisher of eminent authors like Stephen Hawking, Robin Sharma, John Maxwell, Devdutt Pattnaik, Deepak Chopra, Khushwant Singh. Additionally, the company also publishes the works of Osho, Sri Sri Paramahansa, The Dalai Lama, and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’, ‘The 5AM Club’, ‘The Disruptors’, and ‘When We Die’ are some of the bestsellers by the firm.
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