Commodity and Financial Derivatives

Commodity and Financial Derivatives

₹ 509 ₹650
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  • ISBN: 9788120348783
  • Edition/Reprint: 2nd edition
  • Author(s): S. Kevin
  • Publisher: PHI LEARNING
  • Product ID: 582058
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

This is the second edition of the book on Commodity and Financial Derivatives. It provides an in-depth analysis of the underlying concepts of the different types of commodity and financial derivatives, namely, forwards, futures, options and swaps. It explains the trading processes of the derivatives and highlights their uses. Beginning with an overview of the subject, the text discusses in detail the forwards emphasizing the currency forward. It presents the different types of futures-commodity futures, currency futures, stock futures, index futures, interest rate futures-and the different types of options-stock options and currency options. The text continues to explain the option pricing models. It concludes with a chapter on financial swaps, which describes the operational modalities of currency swaps and interest rate swaps. The Indian context and environment are highlighted while explaining the trading processes of the different types of derivatives to familiarize the reader with the Indian derivatives market. The text is supported by illustrative examples, diagrams, tables and review questions to reinforce the understanding of the subject matter. The textbook is primarily intended for the postgraduate students of finance, commerce and management. It will also be useful to all those who are engaged in derivatives trading and who facilitate derivatives trading. New to the second edition A large number of numerical examples and exercises are added to the various chapters to help the users understand the practical application of derivatives in hedging risk in diverse situations. Table of Contents: Preface Derivatives: An Overview Forwards: Basics Currency Forwards Futures: Basics Pricing of Futures Commodity Futures Currency Futures Stock Futures Index Futures Interest Rate Futures Stock Options Currency Options Option Pricing Financial Swaps Glossary

Tags: Analysis; Finance;

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