Social and Political Life- I, Class 6

Social and Political Life- I, Class 6

₹ 140 ₹140
Shipping: ₹ 54
  • ISBN: 9788178558400
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): B.b. Tayal
  • Publisher: APC BOOKS
  • Product ID: 582279
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

The book Civics: Social and Political Life- I is divided into 10 chapters. Chapter 1 displays the diversities of Indian life. It focuses on the fact that Indian speakdifferent languages and have faith in different religions, but they have cultural and political unity. Chapter 2 explains the difference between Diversity and Inequality. Our Constitution directs us to respect diversity, but it proclaims Equality as the bedrock of Indian polity. The country should be proud of the Constitution-makers who enacted that the State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them. Chapter 3 enables students to hain a sence of why Government is required Universal Adult Sufftage is an outstanding feature of our Constitution. It swept away in one stroke all understanding feature of our Constitution. Chapter 4 analyses the decision-making process in a democratic government. It would tell you about the Suffragette Movement launched in Europe and America for the extension of the voting rights to women and have the Movement succeeded. Chapter 5 provides an overview of Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in India. The Panchayati Raj is a three-tier system Panchayats at the Village level, the Block or Panchayat samitis at Block level and Zila Parishad at the district level. Chapter 6 deals with Pachayati Raj institutions at the Block and District levels. It shows how the various levels of local administration are all interconnected. Chapter 7 deals with Urban Local-Self Government, the municipal bodies, their elections and decision-making structures existing in urban India. Chapter 8 develops an awareness of Rural Administrations. It focuses mainly on land disputes and shows ehat role is being played by the patwari, the otherrevenue officers and the local police in resolving such disputes. Chapter 9 discusses various types of Rural Livlihoods in detail. It emphasises differences between the middle farmers, the landless labourers and large farmers. Chapter 10 shows the differences between various occupations in urban India. Suggestions for the improvement of the book shall be gratefully acknowledge.

Tags: CBSE; Text Book; Political; Social;



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