Internal Security of India and Disaster Management - For Civil Services (Main) Examination

Internal Security of India and Disaster Management - For Civil Services (Main) Examination

₹ 297 ₹370
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  • ISBN: 9788195111206
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): K. Vijay Kumar
  • Publisher: OXFORD UNI PRESS (HE)
  • Product ID: 582656
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Internal security of India and disaster Management has been designed to help the aspirants have an in-depth understanding of the sociopolitical order of the country while exploring linkages between development and spread of extremism. The book provides a comprehensive coverage of all topics of internal security and disaster Management, as per UPSC/state PSC syllabus. Every possible internal security issue has been discussed with the sole objective of enabling the aspirants to have a firm grasp over the vast subject. The book discusses each topic with its historical perspective and contemporary relevance. New-age issues like the challenges arising from social media and Cyber Security have been dealt in detail. Key features (a) important Keywords highlighted in each br>Chapter (B) maps, diagrams and tables included for conceptual clarity (C) boxes provided for topics of recent relevance (br>D) quick revision provided at the end of each br>Chapter (e) previous years’ questions and practice questions included at the end of each br>Chapter (br>f) detailed answer outlines to previous years’ questions via QR codes given for easy access (br>G) conceptual videos for each br>Chapter linked by QR code for easy access (H) additional chapters like afspa and issues related to the armed forces, communalism and mob violence, India’s nuclear doctrine, covid-19 and non-traditional security challenges table of Contents 0. Introduction 1. Linkage between development and spread of extremism 2. Left-wing extremism in India 3. The north-east 4. Jammu and Kashmir 5. Role of external state and non-state actors 6. Challenges from media and social media 7. Cyber Security challenges 8. Money laundering 9. Security challenges in border areas 10. Coastal and airspace security 11. Organized crime and its linkages with terrorism 12. Security forces and security agencies 13. Afspa and some issues related to the armed forces 14. Communalism and mob violence 15. India’s nuclear doctrine 16. Covid-19 and non-traditional security challenges 17. Disaster Management-I 18. Disaster management-ii appendix I: terrorist organizations listed in the first schedule to the unlawful activities (prevention) Act, 1967 AI.1 appendix II: the armed forces (special powers) Act, 1958; Act 28 of 1958 a II.1.

Tags: UPSC; Disaster Management; Civil Services;

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