Collins Incredible Earth Cb 1 (Collins Incredible Series)

Collins Incredible Earth Cb 1 (Collins Incredible Series)

₹ 269 ₹329
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  • ISBN: 9789354228384
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): Meenakshi Atal
  • Product ID: 583397
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Collins Incredible is a series of eight books for Classes 1 to 8. Collins Incredible Earth 1 and 2 have been designed considering the multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies. Collins Incredible Science 3 to 8 are focused on developing scientific skills and their application in real life. The key features of Collins Incredible Series are completely aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the vision of the National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat). Collins Incredible is a series of eight books for Classes 1 to 8. Collins Incredible Earth 1 and 2 have been designed considering the multidisciplinary nature of Environmental Studies. Collins Incredible Science 3 to 8 are focused on developing scientific skills and their application in real life. The key features of Collins Incredible Series are completely aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the vision of the National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat). These features, designed on the 5E Learning Model, can be used as learning strategies to help in the overall development of scientific and 21st Century Skills in students. The key features in this series are mutinously designed to make a shift from rote learning to competency-based learning, in accordance with Structured Assessment For Analyzing Learning (SAFAL). The components of SAFAL-critical thinking, inquiry-based learning and analysis-based learning-are woven into the features such as Nature Trails/Science Around Us, I Am a Scientist, Skills Enrichment Zone, Worksheets, Picture Story, SEE Learning, Earth/Science Fair. These features are also integrated with 21st Century Skills and other NEP 2020 elements such as Experiential Learning, Art Integration, Cross-Curricular and India Focus. The series also aims to make the students aware of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations so that they can become SDG Pioneers, Champions or Ambassadors.

Tags: Class - 1; CBSE; Text Book;

Collins Publishers

Collins Publishers

HarperCollins Publishers India or Collins Publishers publishes around 250 titles each year and represents the finest publishers of the world such as Oneworld and Gallup,Harvard University Press,Dover, Usborne, and Bonnier Zaffre. This firm publishes the most eminent authors in the world— DevduttPattanaik, AravindAdiga, AmitavGhosh, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Anita Nair, Benyamin, Ruskin Bond, Rhonda Byrnes, RaghuramRajan, William Dalrymple, S.HussainZaidi , and Vinod Kumar Shukla.
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