Excel in Mathematics for Peak Performance in Board Exams Class-12

Excel in Mathematics for Peak Performance in Board Exams Class-12

₹ 511 ₹575
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  • ISBN: 9789389167269
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): Dr.anupam Jagga And Manish Chhabra
  • Product ID: 584340
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Mtg Excel in Mathematics is a wonderful result-oriented book to prepare you excellently for CBSE Class 12 Board Exam. The book has been designed on the latest pattern of Class 12 Mathematics syllabus as prescribed by CBSE Board. The theory part is presented in text book format in very simple language. To increase the effectiveness of the study, theory content is supplemented with self-explanatory diagram table, flow charts, graphs, examples etc. The theory of each Unit is followed by Topicwise solved NCERT Exercise, important questions for board Examination and self-assessment to test student’s preparation of that Unit the book also contains “previous Year’s Board Questions” section in each Unit which covers previous 10 years topic-wise Board Questions. Moreover, at the end of the book 2 Model test papers has been provided to facilitate thorough practice of the subject and to enhance the problem-solving ability among the aspirants. The solutions to each and every question is provided in the book. The solutions have been prepared in a manner that a student can easily understand them. Excel in Mathematics is a sum up all the required material for complete learning and preparation of Board exams. It gives all the required information about the exam at one place. So, revise and practice with Excel in Mathematics and boost CBSE Board exam marks. Content:- 1. Relations and Functions 2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 3. Matrices 4. Determinants 5. Continuity and Differentiability 6. Application of Derivatives 7. Integrals 8. Application of Integrals 9. Differential equations 10. Vector Algebra 11. Three Dimensional Geometry 12. Linear programming 13. Probability model test papers (1 to 2) MTG’s Excel in Mathematics is a wonderful result-oriented book to prepare you excellently for CBSE Class 12 Board Exam. The book has been designed on the latest pattern of Class 12 Mathematics syllabus as prescribed by CBSE Board. The theory part is presented in text book format in very simple language. To increase the effectiveness of the study, theory content is supplemented with self-explanatory diagram table, flow charts, graphs, examples etc. The theory of each Unit is followed by Topicwise solved NCERT Exercise, important questions for board Examination and self-assessment to test student’s preparation of that Unit the book also contains “previous Year’s Board Questions” section in each Unit which covers previous 10 years topic-wise Board Questions. Moreover, at the end of the book 2 Model test papers has been provided to facilitate thorough practice of the subject and to enhance the problem-solving ability among the aspirants. The solutions to each and every question is provided in the book. The solutions have been prepared in a manner that a student can easily understand them. Excel in Mathematics is a sum up all the required material for complete learning and preparation of Board exams. It gives all the required information about the exam at one place. So, revise and practice with Excel in Mathematics and boost CBSE Board exam marks. Content:- 1. Relations and Functions 2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions 3. Matrices 4. Determinants 5. Continuity and Differentiability 6. Application of Derivatives 7. Integrals 8. Application of Integrals 9. Differential equations 10. Vector Algebra 11. Three Dimensional Geometry 12. Linear programming 13. Probability model test papers (1 to 2).

Tags: Class - 12; Mathematics; CBSE;

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MTG Learning

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