Politics in India Since Independence Class 12 (Part-B)

Politics in India Since Independence Class 12 (Part-B)

₹ 311 ₹325
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  • ISBN: 9788178558875
  • Edition/Reprint: 5th Edition
  • Author(s): B B Tayal
  • Publisher: APC BOOKS
  • Product ID: 587671
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

An important feature of this new edition is that it incorporates value-based and multi-disciplinary questions, besides case studies of particular problems affecting Indian politics. The book is divided into 5 chapters of course, all the chapters have been updated, but some chapters have been altered more radically than others. Chapters 8 and 9 have been completely or almost completely rewritten. Br>chapter 1 concentrates on problems and challenges of nation building. Our major concerns had been integration of people and territories into a Composite nation, to build a democratic policy and an egalitarian society. Telengana is India's 29th state. The high Court at Hyderabad shall be the common high Court for the state of Telangana and the State of Andhra Pradesh till a separate high Court for the state of Andhra Pradesh is constituted. Br>chapter 2 dwells on an era of One-Party dominance. In the first three General elections the Congress (led by Nehru) was the only major Indian political party that believed it could single-handedly rule a diverse country. It was the 'one party dominance Phase'. Br>chapter 3 examines the politics of planned development. Besides the Gandhian view of Sarvodaya, we had before us two broad models of development: The liberal-capitalist model and the 'soviet-type planning' Called the socialist model. Indian chose to have a mixed economy. It was in 1991 that the government announced a new industrial policy, with a wider package of economic reforms. Br>chapter 4 deals with Nehru's role in the formulation and implementation of India's foreign policy. Nehru decided to pursue the policy of non-alignment because of India's quest of peace. Br>chapter 5 underlines that Phase of the Indian politics when the Congress was far from being the dominant party that it was although it started to rise again by the end of 1970. The liberation of Bangladesh was Indira Gandhi's finest hour. Her strategy was to project herself as a messiah of the poor.

Tags: Class - 12; Politics; CBSE;



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