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MTG’s NCO Workbooks Class 8 are designed to familiarize the students with the question patterns that shall be asked in the SOF-organized National Cyber Olympiad Exam. The Workbook helps the students to prepare for NCO through the following feature – a. MTG’s NCO Olympiad Workbooks for class 8 are created to help the students prepare for the upcoming National Cyber Olympiad. b. MTG’s NCO Workbook for class 8 comprises a quick recap before the start of each exercise. c. The Chapter-wise MCQs in the Workbook assists students in the preparation of SOF NCO exams. d. The Multiple-Choice Question Bank is divided into general questions and the achiever’s section and comes with complete Hints & Explanations to assist in self-understanding of concepts. e. The NCO Workbook for class 8 comes with an OMR sheet after each chapter so that the student gets well-versed with the idea of filling the OMR sheet.
Tags: Class - 8; NCO;