NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET Paper 2 Mass Communication & Journalism

NTA UGC NET/JRF/SET Paper 2 Mass Communication & Journalism

₹ 331 ₹465
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  • ISBN: 9789326193542
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): Srishti Agarwal Ajeet Kumar Singh,Aditya Kumar
  • Product ID: 588341
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

To become a lecturer or a researcher in a college or in university requires way more effort than just appearing for the exam. If you are keen to pursue a career in the Lecturership, then appearing in NTA UGC NET Exam will be the best decision. This examination consists of two papers- Paper I is compulsory whereas paper II is optional. Get well prepared with the revised edition of ‘NTA UGC NET/ SET/ JRF Paper-II – Mass Communication & Journalism’ that has been comprehensively designed as per the updated syllabus applicable from June 2019 onwards. This book is divided into 10 units, discussing every chapter in a lucid format supported with examples, flowcharts, diagrams, etc. It not only provides theoretical insights but also helps the students to understand the pattern of the examination, and gives practical exposure, in order to excel in their examination. The book features: 1. Complete coverage of the latest syllabus 2. Divided into 27 chapters with well-explained topics 3. Chapter wise 4000 MCQs are given for practice 4. Previous Years’ Solved Papers to give insights into the examination pattern 5. 3 Model Papers on Latest Examination Pattern Table of Contents Solved Paper November 2021- July 2018, Mass Communication and Journalism, Traditions, Media, Culture and Approaches to Communication, Models, and Theories of Mass Communication, Development of Communication of Social Change, Corporatisation of Development and Emergence of Global Civil Societies, Leaders of Social Reform in India, News and Reporting, Writing and Editing, Journalism as a Profession and Critique of News Values, Advertising and Marketing Communication, Advertising: Management, Campaign and Marketing, Public Relations and Corporate Communication, Crisis Communication and Communication Audit, Concept of Laws and Ethics, Media and Important Acts, RTI and Other Important Acts, Media: Rules, Regulations and Guidelines, Media Management, Communication Design and Media Production Techniques, Economics and Commerce of Mass Media and Principle of Management in Media, ICT and Media, ICT in Education and Animation Concepts, Film and Television Theory, Indian Cinema and National Cinema Movements, Communication Research and Research Design, Communication and Media Research in India, Levels of Measurement of Research, Data Analysis and Ethical Consideration in Communication, Model paper [1-3]

Tags: JRF; NET; SET; UGC; Journalism;

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