Golden Integral Calculus

Golden Integral Calculus

₹ 599 ₹649
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  • ISBN: 9789380298511
  • Edition/Reprint: 2022
  • Author(s): N.P. Bali
  • Product ID: 589972
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

The book meets the requirements of students of degree and honours classes of indian universities. It will also be found useful by the students preparing for various competitive examinations. The author has more than four decades of experience of teaching mathematics to graduate classes and has first hand experience of problems and difficulties faced by students. The book is written with the conviction that a good book needs minimum guidance from the teacher and is self-sufficient for clarity of basic concepts. The book deals with 'reduction formula' in details and two chapters are devoted to the topic. Besides the usual topics?Rectification, quadrature, volumes and surfaces of revolution, the book also deals with additional topics?Differentiation under the integral sign, improper integrals, double and triple integrals. Application of integration to 'centre of gravity' is an additional attraction. It is hoped that the book in its new shape and revised form will enjoy its ever increasing popularity. About the author: n.P. Bali is a prolific author of over 100 books for degree and engineering students. He has been writing books for more than forty years. His books on the following topics are well known for their easy comprehension and lucid presentation: algebra, trigonometry, differential calculus, integral calculus, real analysis, co-ordinate geometry, statics, dynamics etc. Table of contents: ?????? List of important formulae 1.????Integration as inverse of differentiation 2.????Integration by substitution 3.????Integration by parts 4.????Integration of rational functions 5.????Integration of irrational functions 6.????Integration of trigonometric functions 7.????( a ) reduction formula - I 7

Tags: Mathematics; Calculus;

Laxmi Publications(Delhi)

Laxmi Publications(Delhi)

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