Objective Indian Economy and Social Development | Fifth Edition | For Civil Services Preliminary Examination

Objective Indian Economy and Social Development | Fifth Edition | For Civil Services Preliminary Examination

₹ 369 ₹395
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  • ISBN: 9789390491285
  • Edition/Reprint: 5th Edition
  • Author(s): Ramesh Singh
  • Product ID: 590456
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: In Stock!
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About Product

The thoroughly revised and updated 5th edition of Objective Indian Economy and social Development by Ramesh Singh is an indispensable book for preparation of objective type questions on economic and social Development through a pool of practice questions. The book has been divided into 4 parts: Part-I: fundamentals of economics: comprises 300 questions, based on the fundamental concepts and theories of economics. Part-ii: Indian economics: comprises 300 questions, based on the theoretical dimension of the Indian economy (I.E., Indian economics). part- III: Indian Economy: comprises 450 questions, based on the outcomes, performances and current aspects of the Indian economy. Two special sets have been included on the latest economic Survey 2020-21 (Vol. 1 & Vol. 2) and Union Budget 2021-22. Part- IV: previous years’ questions: comprises 500 Solved questions of the UPSC Preliminary Examination from 2007-20 this arrangement has been ‘consciously’ done to train and mentor the readers for the examinations In a better and practical way. Designed with a perfect blend of static and dynamic content, The book is not only helpful for aspirants of Civil Services Preliminary examinations, but also for the aspirants of various other one-day competitive examinations. Highlights: 1. Complete coverage of the syllabus through objective questions and explanations. 2. The book contains a total of 42 sets with each set containing 25 questions. 3. Exhaustive and authentic ‘notes & explanations’ have been provided for almost all questions that serves as full-fledged notes for the reader. 4. Includes more than 1500 MCQs touching various aspects of economics and economic and social Development in India. 5. Based on India 2021, economic Survey 2020–21, Union Budget 2021–22, India development report 2017 (Latest), and the latest documents of the central Ministries, Niti aayog, RBI, etc.

Tags: Development; Economics; Civil Services; Social;

MC Grawhill

MC Grawhill

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