Common Errors At a Glance (As per the latest pattern of all competitive examinations)

Common Errors At a Glance (As per the latest pattern of all competitive examinations)

₹ 360 ₹360
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  • ISBN: 9789352603954
  • Edition/Reprint: 1st Edition
  • Author(s): Hussain, Ali Akbar
  • Product ID: 590481
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: In Stock!
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About Product

this book common errors at a Glance Contains a short, clear and systematic account of grammatical points explained through authentic examples. The book ensures that the students are familiar with problem areas and have a firm grasp of grammatical rules. The grammatical rules have been incorporated and arranged in the book after a thorough analysis of broad spectrum of questions from UPSC (CDS, NDA, CAPF-AC, CISF-AC), Banking, Insurance, financial Institutions, SSC, Railway and many others.✔ the grammatical points are accompanied by easy to understand examples as well as real questions of competitive examinations.✔ the exercises are graded and provide the students with a wealth of materials for practice.✔ the answer keys with explanatory notes help students check over their answers for mistakes.✔ cumulative exercises have been given for intensive practice.This book has thus been tailored to best meet the needs of a wide array of students seeking to score high in the tests.


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