Data Analysis & Interpretation | Based on the emerging trends of Banking, Insurance and Other Competitive Examinations

Data Analysis & Interpretation | Based on the emerging trends of Banking, Insurance and Other Competitive Examinations

₹ 699 ₹699
Shipping: ₹ 54
  • ISBN: 9789353161415
  • Edition/Reprint: 1st edition
  • Author(s): Arun Sharma
  • Product ID: 590496
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Data Analysis and Interpretation - Bilingual version is a comprehensive content with dedicated focus on syllabus prescribed by the Banking, SSC and other one-day exam Main specialities of this edition are bilingual approach expressing questions and difficult terms in both Hindi and English. It has structured arrangements of concepts where questions have been framed and developed on the basis of structured analysis and emerging trends. He is the best in class author, with loads of experience and expertise in the domain. Key Features:1. Diversity of questions based on the emerging trends clearly expressed in Hindi and English for both medium of students.2. Stress on analysis, correlation and data interpretation. 3. A fresh approach and a revisit to the existing content on the emerging focus areas. 4. Fully solved and explained question papers while giving sufficient scope for practice and consolidation.

Tags: Banking; Analysis;

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