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Tags: Income Tax; English;
Tags: Income Tax; English;
Commercial LAW PUBLISHERS (INDIA) PVT. LTD. has the powerful backing of its vast exposure as the leading Books Distributor in the northern India for over four decades. From just a couple of titles during the first few years of its publishing activity, Commercial has now around 100 titles and over 300 Bare Acts & Manuals. In the field of direct and Indirect taxes it is in the forefront in bringing out revised editions of more than a dozen publications every year that too immediately after passing of the Finance Act. Its publications on Sales Tax/VAT including the Digests and the Manuals have created a niche in the market. It successfully launched the Bare Acts project in the year 1996 and has so far brought out over 300 Bare Acts. These are much sought after since these Bare Acts are annotated ones containing notes and brief comments, thus enhancing their utility.
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