Indian Economy By Ramesh Singh | 15th Edition |-2023-2024

Indian Economy By Ramesh Singh | 15th Edition |-2023-2024

₹ 609 ₹775
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  • ISBN: 9789355324344
  • Edition/Reprint: 15th 2023-24
  • Author(s): Ramesh Singh
  • Product ID: 617011
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: In Stock!
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About Product

Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh in its 15th edition has time and again proved to be instrumental in developing a fundamental and application-based understanding of economics. Aimed primarily at the civil services exams conducted by the UPSC, it remains a popular companion and the first pick for the aspirants of various state civil services exams and even for those who are interested in studying the subject. With this book, you get access to McGraw Hill Edge – a digital platform with high-quality learning resources that provides you the edge to excel at your exams. On the McGraw Hill Edge platform, you can access mock test, practice tests, expert sessions, comprehensive study materials and exam preparation strategies, all designed to enhance your preparation and give you the winning edge. Moreover, its mobile and web app interface makes learning convenient and accessible! Follow the instructions given in the book to get access. Salient Features of the book: 1. Interdisciplinary in approach, the book intertwines current developments to give an applied understanding of the issues related to socio-economic development 2. Thoroughly revised and updated with all the latest and major official sources such as Economic Survey 2022-23, Union Budget 2023-24, major reports of NITI Aayog, and central ministries 3. Economic Survey 2022-33 and Union Budget 2023-24 have been presented as special coverage 4. Sectoral areas such as Agriculture, Industry and Services have been fully updated with latest development 5. Updated coverage on Inflation, Banking, External Sector, ‘Agile’ policy approach, Transformative Reforms, Social Sector, etc. 6. New topics include Digital Infrastructure, Semiconductor Sector, E-Commerce, Digital Financial Services, and many more 7. Includes current and relevant Model Questions for both Preliminary and Main Exams along with their Answers and Explanations 8. Includes updated Glossary to simplify the core ‘concepts’ and ‘terms’ in an objective and comprehensive style 9. Access Previous years questions for last 5 years, 5 Practice Tests on McGraw Hill Edge.

Tags: Business & Economics; Economics; Ramesh Singh; Civil Services; Civil Sewa; Competitive Examinations;

MC Grawhill

MC Grawhill

Mc Graw Hill offers learning materials in print and digital formats for higher education and test preparation materials. It offers quality content for UPSC, CAT, NEET, CTET/STET, CA, and JEE exams and for students of Calcutta University, Engineering, and Business & Economics. ‘Indian Polity by M Laxmikanth’, ‘Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh’, ‘The Living World Morphology and Anatomy by Dr. Subroto Biswas and Dr. Aman Biswas’, and ‘Financial Management by Anutam Pal’ are the most popular books by this firm.
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