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Shri Ramacaritamanasa by GITA PRESS BOOK SHOP
Tags: Religious;
Shri Ramacaritamanasa by GITA PRESS BOOK SHOP
Tags: Religious;
Gita Press, a unit of the GobindBhawanKaryalaya, Kolkata, was established in 1923 to publish spiritual books and mythologies. It publishes books in Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Bangla, Gujarati, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Telugu, Urdu, Nepali, Kannada, Tamil, and Asamiya. ‘SrimadBhagvadgita’, ‘Gita Madhurya’, ‘Shrimadbhagvad Gita TatvavivechaniBrihadakar’, and ‘MahabharatSatik’ (6 volumes) are the most read books by this publication.
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