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High School Hindi for class 10 by NAGEEN PRAKASHAN PVT LTD
High School Hindi for class 10 by NAGEEN PRAKASHAN PVT LTD
Nageen Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. (NPPL) is an eminent publisher of textbooks for CBSE, ICSE, ISC, UP, and Uttarakhand Boards and polytechnic and competitive examinations. The company publishes books for Commerce, Drawing and Painting, Humanities, and Science. ‘Nootan Physics XI Textbook by Kumar and Mittal’, ‘Krishi Bhautiki & Jalvau Vigyan by Kumar and Mittal’, ‘ISC Accountancy XII by R.S. Singal’, and ‘Nootan Jeev Vigyan by Dr. A.K. Sharma and Dr. Rajeshwari Sharma’ are the bestsellers of this firm.
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