Crash Course Programme

Crash Course Programme

Master JEE Main in Just 40 Days - The Combo Series of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Published by Arihant Prakashan, provides a last minute preparation for JEE Main Aspirants. These books will give you an accelerated way to master the whole JEE Main syllabus. It has been conceived by keeping in mind the latest trend of questions, and the level of different types of students. Each book covers the complete syllabus of JEE Main in 40 Days; divided into day-wise-learning modules with clear grounding into concepts and sufficient practice with solved and unsolved questions on that day. Also, on last 3 days you get three full length Mock Tests in all 3 books that makes you ready to face the test. Its coherent presentation and compatibility with the latest prescribed syllabus and pattern will prove extremely useful for the students. This Combo Series will keep the aspirants in good frame of mind and relaxed, vital for success. Salient Features 1. Concepts discussed clearly and directly without being superfluous. 2. Learning goals for each day, determined first. 3. Some higher dimensions of the topics on the day given in the Added Thrust at the end of conceptual descriptions on a day. 4. All types of Objective Questions included in the Drills for a day. 5. Frequent Self-Assessment tests are also included. 6. Gives you a fast way to prepare for JEE Main without any other support or guidance.

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