Mission CAT - Tips, Techniques & Strategies to crack CAT & Other MBA Exams

Mission CAT - Tips, Techniques & Strategies to crack CAT & Other MBA Exams

₹ 144 ₹200
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  • ISBN: 9789387421608
  • Author(s): Disha Experts
  • Product ID: 564972
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

Mission CAT by Disha is a key component to unlocking a winning CAT score. A stellar product in its category, Mission CAT is a conscious effort to address the most important topics and question patterns which prepare students for CAT and other MBA Entrance Exams like XAT, IIFT, MAT, CMAT, SNAP etc. The book comprehensively covers preparation strategies & techniques to crack Quantitative Ability, Data interpretation, Logical Reasoning and Verbal Ability with Reading Comprehension. The book also covers shortcuts, and tips to crack the typical kinds of problems encountered in CAT. It also instructs aspirants how successfully to strategise, manage time and analyse their knowledge pattern accurately to make the most of a time-bound elimination exam.In the Quantitative Aptitude, the book extensively covers shortcuts on Numbers, Average and Mixtures, Arithmetic and Word-based Problems, Geometry, Algebra, Counting, etc. in a very accessible and easy manner. In Verbal Ability, the book deals with Topics like Para Jumble and How to crack them scientifically with examples by at least 4 ways. Likewise, ‘Facts, Inference and Judgement’ has been allotted enough space with Real time Examples and more than one kind of Examples and how to differentiate Facts from Fiction. With Mission CAT, the entire CAT test preparation process has been simplified with a wide range of shortcuts and techniques which are a must to crack CAT. Through this book, Disha provides everything you need to hone your skills and perfect your scores. Special attention has been given to Group Discussion and Personal Interview which is an important part to crack MBA exams.

Tags: CAT; MBA;

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