Arthashastra अर्थशास्त्र  (Economics) - SBPD Publications B. A Semester

Arthashastra अर्थशास्त्र (Economics) - SBPD Publications B. A Semester

₹ 406 ₹445
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  • ISBN: 9789351679431
  • Edition/Reprint: 2021
  • Author(s): Dr. V. C. Sinha & Dr. Pushpa Sinha
  • Publisher: SBPD DEGREE
  • Product ID: 576470
  • Country of Origin: India
  • Availability: Sold Out

About Product

According to the Latest Syllabus based on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for Ranchi University, Ranchi for B. A Semester – I. UNIT - I Introductory Microeconomics 1.Definitions, Nature and Scope of Economics, 2 .Study Methods of Economics, 3 .Economic Problem : Scarcity and Choice, 4. Markets and Competition, 5. Economic Systems : Capitalism, Socialism and Mixed Economy, 6. Graphic Presentation of Data, 7. Demand Analysis, 8. Supply Analysis, 9. Market Equilibrium or Equilibrium Price, 10. Applications of Demand and Supply Curves (Consumer’s Surplus and Producer’s Surplus), 11. Price-Mechanism and Allocations of Resources, 12.Elasticity and its Applications, 13. Taxes and Costs of Taxations, 14. Consumption Decision : Indifference Curve, Budget Line and Change in Income and Price, 15. Production Process and the Behaviour of Profit Maximi-zing Firms, 16. Price Determination Under Perfect Competition, 17. Monopoly : Price Determination, Measurement of Monopoly Power, Monopoly Control and Taxation and Monopoly Regulation, 18. Costs in the Short Run and Long Run, 19. Concept of Revenue, 20. Labour Market and Analysis of Labour Demand and Supply, 21. Labour Market in India, 22. Land : Meaning and Characteristics, UNIT - II Elementary Statistics for Economics 1.Introduction to Statistics and Basic Concepts, 2 .Types of Data : Primary and Secondary Data, 3 .Census and Sample Investigation, 4. Classification and Tabulation of Data, 5. Diagrammatic Presentation of Data, 6 .Graphic Presentation of Data, 7. Measures of Central Tendency, 8. Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean, 9. Partition Values or Quartiles or Other Measures Based on Median Principles, 10. Measures of Dispersion, 11. Measures of Skewness, 12. Correlation, 13. Regression Analysis, 14. Analysis of Time-Series, 15. Index Number, 16. Probability, 17. Moments, 18. Measures of Kurtosis.

Tags: BA; Arthshastra; Economics;

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