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The thoroughly updated 3rd Edition of 9 Years UPSC Civil Services IAS Mains General Studies Papers 1 to 4 Year-wise Solved (2013 - 2022) consists of Past 9 years (including the 2021 Exam held in January 2022) solved papers of the General Studies Paper 1 to 4. # The USP of this book is that the word limit for each solution is strictly adhered as per the UPSC requirements. # The book is divided into 4 sections providing solutions to the respective 4 papers. In all, the book contains solutions to 970+ Questions (including Paper 1 to 4). # Each of the solutions is thoroughly researched and written in a flawless language. # The book follows the format where solution is provided immediately after the question. # The book also provides useful articles on How to Crack IAS Main Exams, Trends of last 9 years of each paper & cut-offs for each of the 9 years.
Civil Services;